March 27, 2009

What you learn in statistics class

xkcd does it again. Previous links to xkcd here and here.

November 18, 2008

Silly website tricks

Vertica’s marketing is usually good-to-outstanding, but they made a funny misstep this time. If you go to the Vertica home page, you’ll see seasonal art suggesting that their product is a turkey and/or that it’s terrified it’s about to get the ax.

Live by the pun, die by the pun.

November 16, 2008

Graphjam: I can haz BI

Charts and graphs, from the folks who brought you a whole lot of cute kitten photos:

August 30, 2008

Donut holes converted to code

And with impressively linear scalability.

July 3, 2008

Three cartoons from DATAllegro

DATAllegro Cartoon demanding
DATAllegro Cartoon forever
DATAllegro Cartoon gerbils

Related links:

April 1, 2008

Netezza’s April Fool press release

Short and cute. Even makes a genuine marketing point (low power consumption), and ties into past marketing gimmicks (they’ve played Pimp My SPU in the past, with dramatic paint jobs).

Netezza Corporation (NYSE Arca: NZ), the global leader in data warehouse and analytic appliances, today introduced a limited-edition range of its award-winning Netezza system. Expected to become an instant industry collectible, the systems can now be purchased in a variety of color finishes – pink, blue, red or silver. The standard gun-metal gray unit will continue to be the default option for orders requiring eight or more units, to ensure availability.

Affectionately known as ‘the Netezza’ by customers and partners, the systems not only offer unparalleled processing performance, but the secret sauce of its innovative design is also leading the way in effective power and cooling management – making it a truly green option for any data center.

Not earth-shaking — even if it purports to be earth-saving — but unless I’ve overlooked a biggie, there isn’t much competition this rather lame April Fool’s year.

March 7, 2008

LISP humor

Song (previously posted)
Another cartoon — not particularly funny on its own — that appears to come between two of the above

December 17, 2007

A cautionary tale

Maybe I was just in an odd mood, but I laughed for a LONG time at this cautionary tale.

Hat tip to Dan Weinreb, who introduced me to xkcd by sending over a link to this funny cartoon, in response to this filksong.

November 27, 2007

One of the funniest fake press releases ever

About an extended outage in Lord of the Rings Online.

Edited July 2, 2008: New URL that works at least for now.

October 26, 2007

Dude, you stole my joke!

October 15: We know what BEA is — now it is just a matter of negotiating the price

October 25: We’ve already established what you are, now we’re just working out a price

The news in the latter is that BEA has admitted it.

Note: Of course, the original joke is so old as to be variously attributed to all of George Bernard Shaw (most credibly), Winston Churchill, and Oscar Wilde.

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