March 15, 2011

MySQL soundbites

Oracle announced MySQL enhancements, plus intentions to use MySQL to compete against Microsoft SQL Server. My thoughts, lightly edited from an instant message Q&A, include:

The last question was “Is there an easy shorthand to describe how Oracle DB is superior to MySQL even with these improvements?” My responses, again lightly edited, were: 


2 Responses to “MySQL soundbites”

  1. Randolph on March 23rd, 2011 7:55 pm

    For me the biggest difference is MySQL has no hash joins. It was due to be in the last major release but after the Oracle acquisition, it silently disappeared from the enhancement list.

    The result is that MySQL joins can not scale to any reasonable size.

  2. MySQL, hash joins and Infobright | DBMS 2 : DataBase Management System Services on March 26th, 2011 5:56 pm

    […] a 24 hour or so period, Daniel Abadi, Dmitriy Ryaboy and Randolph Pullen all remarked on MySQL’s lack of hash joins. (It relies on nested loops instead, which were […]

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